Who Won Our January Competition?

Our last competition featured my favourite-ever cycling accessory.

Stem Captain 1It doesn’t make you go faster, it just sits on top of your handlebars and tells you the time. I don’t suppose it’s even that brilliant of a clock, but once it’s installed it looks fab.

Here’s one installed on my turbo trainer bike. Great accessory, crap photo. That’s how I roll.


So who are our three lucky winners?

I put all the names in a hat (which was actually a mixing bowl) and drew out:

1. Natalie Zacher, Canada
2. Nicola Lockyer, UK
3. Charmaine Ziegler, Australia

If you’re Natalie, Nicola or Charmaine, a StemCaptain clock will be on its way to you.

And finally…

One last chance.

No bike accessory looks worse because it's next to King Eddy!
No bike accessory looks worse because it’s next to King Eddy!
The StemCaptain gives a clue about our next tour, for 2018. Clever little thing.
The StemCaptain gives a clue about our next tour, for 2018. Clever little thing.
As well as a bunch of clocks, I bought a StemCaptain thermometer and a StemCaptain compass. Incredibly easy to fit, and it will instantly make your bike cooler than the person next to you. And that’s what counts!

Click on the images to get a closer look.
First two replies and they’re away in the post.


Thanks folks, sorry if you didn’t win!

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