By Suzie Tyson
Photo albums are always popular in our newsletters. Here is a new album, from Provence, by Suzie Tyson who cycled with us last summer.
I’ve chosen four photos that I particularly liked – with a brief explanation of why I like them. You can see the whole album here.
I love photos of the Pont du Gard. Everyone can take a photo and make it look spectacular – I’ve done it myself! – and there’s a good example in Suzies’ album. But I like this photo because it’s at the Pont du Gard, without showing all the levels and spans, and there’s a bunch of people clearly having fun.
2. The Ochre Cliffs at Rousillon.
I like this photo not because I can easily take one like it, but because I can’t.
Rousillon is famous for its vivid ochre cliffs, but it’s very nice to see a photo that shows them off so clearly. I don’t think I’ve ever taken a nice photo of these cliffs.
3. A beautiful view of the Lubéron from Rousillon.
Whenever I’m cycling with our tours, first thing in the morning the last thing on my mind is enjoying the view and taking photos.
This is a lovely reminder of how much I miss, and a reminder to pay more attention in the mornings.
This is a view over the Lubéron National Park from Rousillon, a hill-top village in the Lubéron where we spend our penultimate night on our Provence tour.
The Lubéron offers hard cycling, but it is the most beautiful part of Provence. Where have a I heard that before – hills and beautiful views? Sadly, they go together!
4. The Palais des Papes in Avignon
On our final day in Provence we cycle through Avignon. And it seems to me we never have enough time to pay proper respect to the magnificent Palais des Papes.
Suzie cheated by visiting Avignon on the previous Saturday, the day they arrived in Avignon, which I think is a great idea.
The building itself is huge and spectacular, the history of why the Popes moved to Avignon is fascinating, and I personally love the golden statue of the Madonna that stands on the top. The sun shines an awful lot in Avignon, and she looks amazing in the sun.
That must have whetted your appetite. Click on this link to enjoy the whole album.
It remains only for me to say Thank you Suzie.