Bernard Dugdale

Bernard Dugdale

Come On England!

God bless Gordon Mundell. Last week I received a very pleasant surprise. Gordon, who’s cycled with us before and is joining me in Umbria next week, is a member of ‘Club Wembley’, which means he gets tickets for all the…

Wine Tasting in Balham – Again

Last week was the April edition of Ruth Alexander-Gordon’s new wine-tasting club in Balham, south west London. She’s called it ‘Wines, Vines and Good Times’, or something like that. Not sure about the name, but we spent an evening tasting…

It's All In The Tannin – Wine 101

Lizzie, our web guru, has asked me to reply to a question about why wine improves with age. Someone asked the question on a forum, and the Wikipedia answer in response was “When properly stored, wines not only maintain their…

Tornado Tom Wins Paris – Roubaix

Probably the biggest one-day race on the cycling calendar is the Paris-Roubaix. It’s a 260 Km (162 miles) race from, you guessed it, Paris, finishing in the velodrome in Roubaix in the North East of France On April 14th, it…