Category Cycling

Put Your Fork Down

Any one who joined me on our recent tour of Umbria will know that my physique doesn’t quite suit the cycling lycra look. That’s a shame, because over the years I’ve collected some nice ‘maillots’, or ‘maglia’ (cycling jerseys). There’s…

Tornado Tom Wins Paris – Roubaix

Probably the biggest one-day race on the cycling calendar is the Paris-Roubaix. It’s a 260 Km (162 miles) race from, you guessed it, Paris, finishing in the velodrome in Roubaix in the North East of France On April 14th, it…

Race Season's Here

Although most attention is given to the Tour de France, the bike racing season runs from February to October, and March / April can be especially exciting times. This is the time of the great 1-day classics in Northern France…